Evaluating The Results

After running overnight training sessions, I'm genuinely impressed with the progress of our agent. Check it out!

The results after training our agent overnight.

It's been flawlessly navigating through the levels up to level 9, showing a strong grasp of the game mechanics. However, as we increase the difficulty by placing the goal farther away, it's starting to encounter more challenges.

Level 9 Difficulty

Now, let's up the ante. I've decided to introduce obstacles into the environment to see how the agent handles them. As expected, when obstacles block the direct path to the goal, the agent struggles to navigate effectively. It's clear that it hasn't been trained to handle these obstacles yet.

Adding obstacles

Stay tuned as we continue training our agent with these new challenges. Watch the videos below to see its progress and the hurdles it faces along the way.


Obstacles Pose A Challenge


Let The Training Begin!